Snake repelling is the repelling of snakes from an area using repellent products which are harmless to both humans and the environment. During a snake repelling operation, the only products that can be used are the ones approved by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food. Therefore, the approved products are used to not kill the snakes but in essence, they rather act as repellants, removing all the unwanted reptiles from our premises. It is of high importance to mention that snakes have a direct effect on the balance of the ecosystem.

First of all, and before starting any field operation, the area is meticulously inspected to record all possible signs of the reptile presence. Usually, the shelters of reptiles may be in tree trunks, large stones, areas with dense vegetation, piles of abandoned materials, crevices in stone walls, water fountains, etc.

Then, we create one or two protection zones by spraying the snake repellent evenly around the perimeter of a building / plot. The snakes now, having nowhere to hide from, leave the area because all the places that used to be their hideouts, are now inhospitable due to the presence of the snake repellent.

The snake feed includes mostly rodents and arthropods. Therefore, it is mandatory to firstly apply insecticides and rodenticides (Insect and Rodent Control), so that the population of insects and rodents be reduced respectively. In this way, if all the pests are under control, you protect your home or business even more.

There are many ways to repel snakes from your home or business;

  • Cleaning and removal of various waste,

  • Removal of materials from outdoor spaces, such as timber materials, useless pallets, old metallic machinery, immobilized vehicles, etc.,

  • Frequent cleaning of green areas (grass) and pruning of shrubs, small trees etc.,

  • Check for water leaks to avoid stagnant water.

All the above are possible solutions for repelling snakes.

Our personnel consist of well-trained and highly experienced technicians, who are able to cope with any kind of problem, with awareness for the environment.


In Greece, all reptile species are under protection status, because their role in the balance of the ecosystem is of significant importance. Nowadays, there are several laws in our country that protect reptiles;

Berne Convention (Annexes II & III), “For the Conservation of Europe’s Wildlife and Natural Environment”. The lists of “Annexes II and III” include all the reptiles and amphibians found in Greece and throughout the EU. The Convention protects them, as well as their habitats.

Community Directive 92/43/EEC of the Council of May 21, 1992, “For the preservation of natural habitats as well as wild fauna and flora”. Annexes II and IV of the Directive include a large part of the reptile fauna of Greece. The Directive imposes strict protection of Annex II species and definition of special zones for the conservation and protection of Annex IV species.

Presidential Decree No. 67, Official Gazette 23/A/30-1-81, “For the protection of native flora and fauna and defining a procedure for coordination and control of research on them”. Table B of the Decree includes most species of reptiles and amphibians of our country, which according to this Decree, are declared protected.

CITES Convention, “For the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora”. CITES Convention (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) regulates the international trade in species of native flora and fauna that are threatened with extinction. The states-parties of the Convention have agreed to observe and implement uniform principles, rules and specific procedures for the handling and marketing of species of wild fauna and flora, in order to protect globally endangered species. Some species of reptiles of Greece are also included in the lists of the convention.


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